The research group on Circuits and Systems for Information Processing (CASIP) has been recognized as a competitive group by the Junta de Andalucía (TIC-117) since 1/1/1995, and is mainly made up of professors / researchers from the Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology ( Likewise, it is part of the ACASES Thematic Research Unit (Advanced Computer Architectures and Intelligent Integrated Systems) of the Research Centre in Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Granada (CITIC-UGR).
We are a large group, with more than 50 researchers, very committed to the transfer of knowledge, that is, we like to work to solve real problems. The CASIP group was awarded the Prize of the Social Council of the University of Granada for its knowledge transfer work (2003 edition). Our researchers have created several companies, such as ICR S.A. (the first spin-off of the University of Granada, with almost 30 years of experience) or Seven Solutions (also awarded for its innovation and knowledge transfer).
Our research lines are framed around the development and efficient programming of advanced computing architectures and specific purpose systems for different applications, especially in the fields of Industry 4.0, IoT and e-health.
We are present in multidisciplinary projects to develop large scientific infrastructures related to particle physics, as well as in the European Human Brain Project and in projects related to e-Health and personalized medicine. Also noteworthy is our Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory, specialized in neuro-robotics, autonomous navigation, and collaborative robots, as well as our EFFICOMP group, in which we carry out efficient computing, both in terms of performance and energy consumption, on heterogeneous architectures with CPU, GPU and TPU.