Luis Javier Herrera Maldonado
Research Projects
- (PID2021-128317OB-I00) Aprendizaje Automático y Computación de Altas Prestaciones para la Integración de Bases de Datos Heterogéneas en Bioinformática. Aplicación en Medicina Precisa y Personalizada
- Date: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025
- Principal Investigator: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Researchers: Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Pomares, Hector / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Carrillo, Francisco
- (P20_00200) Desarrollo de Métodos Basados en Técnicas Ópticas y de Inteligencia Computacional para la Evaluación y Control de Biomateriales Biogenerados y Sintéticos con Aplicación en Medicina Regenerativa y Restauradora
- Date: 04/10/2021 - 30/06/2023
- Principal Investigator: Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- Researchers: Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Ruiz López, Javier / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Lucena-Martín, Cristina / Tejada, María Natividad / Carrillo, Francisco
- (P20_00163) Integración de Fuentes Heterogéneas de Información Biomédica Utilizando Computación de Altas Prestaciones. Aplicación en Problemas Complejos en Medicina Personalizada y de Precisión.
- Date: 01/01/2021 - 31/03/2023
- Principal Investigator: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Pomares, Hector / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Caba-Pérez, Octavio / Prados-Salazar, José Carlos / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Villalonga, Claudia
- (CV20-64934) Desarrollo de una Plataforma Inteligente que Permita la Integración de Fuentes de Información Heterogénea (Imágenes, Genética y Proteómica) para la Caracterización y Predicción de la Virulencia y Patogenicidad de Pacientes con Covid-19
- Date: 09/09/2020 - 08/09/2021
- Principal Investigator: Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Claros Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Pomares, Hector / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Torres, Carolina / Caba-Pérez, Octavio
- (RTI2018-101674-B-I00) Arquitecturas de Cómpuyo y Soluciones Basadas en Aprendizaje Máquina Avanzadas para Problemas Complejos en Bioinformática, Biotecnología y Biomedicina
- Date: 01/01/2019 - 31/03/2021
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Researchers: Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Villalonga, Claudia
- (TIN2015-71873-R) Avances en Arquitecturas de Computo para Aprendizaje Automatico Utilizando Fuentes Heterogeneas: Aplicaciones en Salud y Bienestar
- Date: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Researchers: Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / OLIVARES RUIZ, GONZALO / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / POMARES CINTAS, HÉCTOR EMILIO
- (CEI2015-MP-V11) Estudio sobre los Factores para Disminuir la Ansiedad por Estancia Hospitalaria en Pediatría
- Date: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2015
- Responsable: Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Researchers: Muñoz-Hoyos, Antonio / Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Gámiz-Sánchez, Vanesa María / GUILLEN PERALES, JOSE FCO. / GARCIA SAURA, PEDRO LUIS / POMARES CINTAS, HÉCTOR EMILIO
- (CEI2015-MP-V12) Sistema Integral de Evaluación Visual y Screening de Problemas de Aprendizaje y Dislexia (Siev-Spad)
- Date: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2015
- Responsable: Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea
- Researchers: Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Serrano-Chica, Francisca Dolores / Soler-Fernández, Margarita
- (P12-TIC-2082) Sistemas de Cómputo Avanzados en Aplicaciones del Ámbito de Biotecnología y Bioinformática
- Date: 30/01/2014 - 16/02/2019
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Martin-Smith, Pedro / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Saez-Lara, María José / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / LASSERROT CUADRADO, AGUSTIN / Perez-Florido, Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M. / GÁLVEZ GÓMEZ, JUAN MANUEL / PRIETO ESPINOSA, ALBERTO / URQUIZA ORTIZ, JOSÉ MIGUEL / SAN ROMÁN ARENAS, BELÉN / RUIZ GARCÍA, GONZALO / DAMAS HERMOSO, MIGUEL / POMARES CINTAS, HÉCTOR EMILIO / PORRAS MILLAN, PABLO / CARA CARMONA, ANA BELÉN / MUROS SANCHEZ, ENRIQUE MANUEL / BALLESTAR TARÍN, ESTEBAN / BAUER, CHRISTOPH / Hagras, Hani
- (P12-TEP-1136) Desarrollo de Métodos de Medida y Aplicación de Sistemas Inteligentes para la Predicción de Propiedades Fisicas de Biomateriales Nanoestructurados
- Date: 30/01/2014 - 31/07/2018
- Responsable: Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- Researchers: Hita-Villaverde, Enrique Fernando / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Alaminos-Mingorance, Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pozo-Molina, Antonio Manuel / Fernández-Oliveras, Alicia / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / LACOBESCU, GRABRIELA / GHINEA, RAZVAN IONUT / PRAHL, SCOTT ALAN / Paravina, Rade / Yamauti, Mónica
- (PP2012-PI11) Nuevas Arquitecturas de Sistemas Inteligentes para Modelado de Sistemas Complejos a Partir de Muestras de E/S: Aplicación en Redes de Abastecimiento de Agua y en Entornos de E-Salud y Tele-Asistencia
- Date: 01/03/2013 - 28/02/2014
- Researchers: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Baños-Legrán, Oresti
- (CEI BioTic-2013-P51) 3Dsightcheck: Screening Interactivo de la Visión Binocular en Atención Primaria y Escolar
- Date: 01/03/2013 - 31/12/2013
- Responsable: Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz
- Researchers: Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Jiménez-Rodríguez, Raimundo / Pérez-Fernández, María Angustias / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Gené-sampedro, Andrés / Martínez-florentín, Gema
- (CEI2013-P-19) Ishadeguide: Aplicación Inteligente para Odontología Estética Restauradora
- Date: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2013
- Responsable: Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Researchers: Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / POMARES CINTAS, HÉCTOR EMILIO / Pecho Yataco, Oscar Emilio
- (GREIB.PYR_2011_21) Prevención de Riesgo de Lesiones y Desórdenes de Locomoción mediante Aprendizaje Automático e Inteligencia Ambiental
- Date: 22/07/2011 - 31/12/2011
- Responsable: Pegalajar-Cuéllar, Manuel
- Researchers: Delgado-Calvo-Flores, Miguel / Pegalajar-Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen / Tejada-Medina, Virginia / Prieto-Campos, Beatriz / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Heredia-jimenez, Jose
- (CEB09-0010) Sistemas Basados en Lógica Difusa para Aplicaciones en Óptica, Color y Percepción
- Date: 01/03/2011 - 31/12/2011
- Responsable: Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Researchers: Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut
- (SAF2010-20558) Disipa-Bio: Desarrollo de Sistemas Inteligentes Avanzados en Plataformas de Altas Prestaciones. Aplicación en Problemas Bioinformáticos y Biomédicos (Saf2010-20558).
- Date: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Martin-Smith, Pedro / Calvo-Tudela, José Carlos / Perez-Florido, Javier / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- (TIN2010-09967-E) Creación de la Red Española de Series Temporales.
- Date: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2015
- Responsable: Pomares, Hector
- Researchers: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Troncoso-Lora, Alicia / Riquelme-Santos, José Cristóbal
- (ACCIONES INTEGRADAS ISB 441/09) Sensores Distribuidos y Autónomos Basados en Redes de Sensores Inteligentes (Acciones Integradas con Alemania)
- Date: 11/02/2009 - 30/06/2011
- Responsable: Pomares, Hector
- Researchers: Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- (P07-TIC-02768) Diseño de Sistemas Inteligentes para el Modelado y Predicción de Series Temporales: Aplicación en Problemas de Demanda Energética y Consumo de Agua
- Date: 01/02/2008 - 31/01/2012
- Responsable: Pomares-Cintas, Hector
- Researchers: Troncoso-Lora, Alicia / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Prieto-Campos, Beatriz / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Romero-Lopez, Gustavo / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- (P07-TIC-02906) Computacion Avanzada para el Control Dinámico, Adaptativo y Auto-Organizativo en Sistemas Complejos. Aplicación en Problemas Industriales y Bio-Médicos
- Date: 01/02/2008 - 31/01/2012
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Castillo-Valdivieso, Pedro A. / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Martin-Smith, Pedro / Olivares-Ruiz, Gonzalo / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto / Romero-Lopez, Gustavo / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- (TIN2007-60587) Computacion de Altas Prestaciones para Sistemas Inteligentes Adaptativos. Aplicacion en Problemas de Aproximacion, Clasificacion, Optimizacion y Prediccion
- Date: 01/10/2007 - 30/09/2010
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Rivera-Rivas, Antonio Jesús / Márquez-García, Maria Luisa / Anguita-Lopez, Mancia / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto / Diaz-Garcia, Antonio Francisco / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Cámara-Sola, Mario / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Cascón-Katchadourian, Pablo
- (TIN2004-01419) Sistemas Inteligentes Adaptativos para Modelado, Prediccion y Optimizacion Dinamica en Clusters de Computadores
- Date: 13/12/2004 - 13/12/2007
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Rivera-Rivas, Antonio Jesús / De Toro-Negro, Francisco Jesus / Anguita-Lopez, Mancia / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Martin-Smith, Pedro / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Pino-Prieto, Maria Begoña Del / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto / Cañas-Vargas, Antonio / Fernandez-Baldomero, Francisco Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Díaz-Alonso, Antonio Javier / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- (DPI2001-3219) Diseño e Implementación de Nuevas Metodologías Híbridas Neuro-Difusas en Sistemas de Cómputo Paralelos: Aplicación al Modelado y Control de Sistemas Complejos en Tiempo Real
- Date: 28/12/2001 - 27/12/2004
- Responsable: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Researchers: Roldán-Tapia, Maria Dolores / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Pelayo-Valle, Francisco Jose / Pino-Prieto, Maria Begoña Del / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto / Ros-Vidal, Eduardo / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Salmeron-Campos, Moises / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Novel Methodology for Detecting and Localizing Cancer Area in Histopathological Images Based on Overlapping Patches
- DOI:
- Computers in Biology and Medicine vol. 168 (pags 1 - 12)
- Ortiz, Sergio / Rojas-Valenzuela, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Multicenter Study on Visual Color Difference Thresholds. a Secondary Analysis of Light, Medium, and Dark Tooth-Colored Specimens
- DOI: PMID: 37076298
- American Journal of Dentistry vol. 36 num. 2 (pags 86 - 90)
- Ismail, Eman H. / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Tashkandi, Emad / Paravina, Rade
- Predicting Covid-19 Severity Integrating Rna-Seq Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
- DOI:
- Current Bioinformatics vol. 18 num. 3 (pags 221 - 231)
- Bajo-Morales, Javier / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Caba-Pérez, Octavio / Prados-Salazar, José Carlos / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Development of Thickness-Dependent Predictive Methods for the Estimation of the Ciel*A*B* Color Coordinates of Monolithic and Layered Dental Resin Composites
- DOI:
- Materials vol. 16 num. 2 (pags 761 - 761)
- Tejada, María Natividad / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ruiz López, Javier / Lübbe, Henning / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Reflectance and Color Prediction of Dental Material Monolithic Samples with Varying Thickness
- DOI:
- Dental Materials vol. 38 (pags 622 - 631)
- Tejada, María Natividad / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Lübbe, Henning / Pop-Ciutrila, Ioana S. / Ruiz López, Javier / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Machine-Learning-Based Late Fusion on Multi-Omics and Multi-Scale Data for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis
- DOI: 10.3390/jpm12040601
- Journal of Personalized Medicine vol. 12 num. 4
- Carrillo, Francisco / Morales, Juan Carlos / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Determination of the Severity and Percentage of Covid-19 Infection Through a Hierarchical Deep Learning System
- DOI: 10.3390/jpm12040535
- Journal of Personalized Medicine vol. 12 num. 4
- Ortiz, Sergio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Validation of Hyperspectral Imaging System for Color Measurement of In-Vivo Dental Structures
- DOI: 10.3390/mi13111929
- Micromachines vol. 13 num. 11 (pags 1929 - )
- Tejada, María Natividad / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Martinez, Miguel Angel / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Cardona-Pérez, Juan de la Cruz / Ruiz López, Javier / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Ciede2000 Lightness, Chroma and Hue Human Gingiva Thresholds
- DOI:
- Journal of Dentistry vol. 124 (pags 104213 - 104213)
- Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Carrillo, Francisco / Tejada, María Natividad / Ruiz López, Javier / Benavides-Reyes, Cristina / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Deep Learning to Classify Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays by Means of Pmt Signals
- DOI:
- Neural Computing and Applications vol. 33 (pags 9135 - 9169)
- Carrillo, Francisco / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Carceller, Juan Miguel
- Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Classification Via Rna-Seq and Histology Imaging Probability Fusion
- DOI:
- Bmc Bioinformatics vol. 22 num. 454 (pags 1 - 19)
- Carrillo, Francisco / Morales, Juan Carlos / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Molina, Yésica / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Knowseq R-Bioc Package: the Automatic Smart Gene Expression Tool for Retrieving Relevant Biological Knowledge
- DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104387
- Computers in Biology and Medicine vol. 133
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Carrillo, Francisco / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Composition Classification of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
- DOI:
- Entropy : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies vol. 22 num. 9 (pags 998 - )
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Todero-Peixoto, Carlos Jose- / Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Carceller, Juan Miguel / Carrillo, Francisco / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Muon Count in Uhecr Extensive Air-Showers
- DOI:
- Entropy : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies vol. 22 num. 11 (pags 1216 - )
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Martínez, José / Carceller, Juan Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Assessing University Students' Perception of Academic Quality Using Machine Learning
- DOI:
- Applied Computing and Informatics (pags 1 - 15)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J.
- Whiteness Difference Thresholds in Dentistry
- DOI: 10.1016/
- Dental Materials vol. 35 num. 2 (pags 292 - 297)
- Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Carrillo, Francisco / Pecho -Yataco, Oscar e / Dudea, Diana / Gasparik, Cristina / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Della Bona, Alvaro
- Leukemia Multiclass Assessment and Classification from Microarray and Rna-Seq Technologies Integration at Gene Expression Level
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212127
- Plos One vol. 14 num. 2
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Caba-Pérez, Octavio / Prados-Salazar, José Carlos / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Towards Improving Skin Cancer Diagnosis by Integrating Microarray and Rna-Seq Datasets
- DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2953978
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Caba-Pérez, Octavio / Prados-Salazar, José Carlos / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Determination of Soluble Solids Content in Prunus Avium by Vis/Nir Equipment Using Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods
- DOI: 10.5424/sjar/2019174-13891
- Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research vol. 17 num. 4 (pags e0207 - e0207)
- Lafuente, Victoria / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Val, Jesús / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Negueruela, Angel I.
- Color Difference Thresholds for Computer-Simulated Human Gingiva
- DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12373
- Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry vol. 30 num. 2 (pags E24 - E30)
- Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Carrillo, Francisco / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Paravina, Rade D.
- Gingival Shade Guides: Colorimetric and Spectral Modeling
- DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12376
- Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry vol. 30 num. 2 (pags E31 - E38)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Paravina, Rade D.
- Multiclass Classification for Skin Cancer Profiling Based on the Integration of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Series
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196836
- Plos One vol. 13 num. 5 (pags e0196836 - )
- Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / San Román-Arenas, Belén / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Translucency Thresholds for Dental Materials
- DOI:
- Dental Materials vol. 34 num. 8 (pags 1168 - 1174)
- Salas, Marianne / Lucena-Martín, Cristina / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Della Bona, Alvaro / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Integration of Rna-Seq Data with Heterogeneous Microarray Data for Breast Cancer Profiling
- DOI: 10.1186/s12859-017-1925-0
- Bmc Bioinformatics vol. 18 (pags 506 - )
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / San Román-Arenas, Belén / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Development of a Customized Whiteness Index for Dentistry Based on Cielab Color Space
- DOI: 10.1016/
- Dental Materials vol. 32(3) (pags 461 - 467)
- Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Paravina, Rade / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Decision Support System to Determine Intention to Use Mobile Payment Systems on Social Networks: a Methodological Analysis
- DOI: 10.1002/int.21749
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 31 num. 2 (pags 153 - 172)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J.
- Variable Selection for Payment in Social Networks: Introducing the Hy-Index
- DOI:
- Computers in Human Behavior vol. 56 (pags 45 - 55)
- Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Color Difference Thresholds in Dentistry
- DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12149
- Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry vol. 27 num. S1 (pags S1 - S9)
- Paravina, Rade / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Della Bona, Alvaro / Igiel, Cristopher / Linninger, Mercedes / Sakai, Maiko / Takahashi, Hidekazu / Tashkandi, Essam / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Mutual Information-Based Feature Selection in Spectrometric Data for Agriculture Applications
- Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science vol. Proceedings of IMECS2015 (pags 1 - 7)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Lafuente, Victoria / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Negueruela, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Predictive Algorithms for Determination of Reflectance from Quantity of Pigments within Experimental Dental Resin Composites
- DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-14-S2-S4
- Biomedical Engineering Online vol. 14 num. S2 (pags S4:1 - S4:14)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pecho-Yataco, Oscar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan de la Cruz / Sánchez-Sánchez, María Purificación / Paravina, Rade / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Web: Leer artículo
- Color Range and Color Distribution of Healthy Human Gingiva: a Prospective Clinical Study
- DOI: 10.1038/srep18498
- Scientific Reports vol. 5 num. 18498 (pags 1 - 7)
- Ho, Daniel / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Angelov, Nikola / Paravina, Rade
- Multi-Sensor Fusion Based on Asymmetric Decision Weighting for Robust Activity Recognition
- DOI:
- Neural Processing Letters vol. 42 (pags 5 - 26)
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Villalonga, Claudia
- Firmness Prediction in Prunus Persica `Calrico-Peaches by Visible/Short-Wave near Infraredspectroscopy and Acoustic Measurementsusing Optimised Linear and Non-Linearchemometric Models
- DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6916
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture vol. 95 (pags 2033 - 2040)
- Lafuente, Victoria / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Val, Jesus / Negueruela, Ignacio
- Fast Feature Selection in a Gpu Cluster Using the Delta Test
- DOI: 10.3390/e16020854
- Entropy : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies vol. 16 num. 2 (pags 854 - 869)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / García-Arenas, Maria Isabel / Van Heeswijk, Mark / Sovilj, Dusan / Lendasse, Amaury / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Computer Models of Gingival Shade Guides: a Pilot Study
- Journal of Dental Research vol. 93 num. C (pags 198 - 198)
- Angelov, Nikola / Ho, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Paravina, Rade
- New Online Self-Evolving Neuro Fuzzy Controller Based on the Tase-Nf Model
- DOI:
- Information Sciences vol. 220 (pags 226 - 243)
- Cara-Carmona, Ana Belén / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Analysing User Trust in Electronic Banking Using Data Mining Methods
- DOI: HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.ESWA.2013.03.010
- Expert Systems with Applications vol. 4 (pags 5439 - 5447)
- Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J. / Nogueras, Rafael / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Combination of Heterogeneous Eeg Feature Extraction Methods and Stacked Sequential Learning for Sleep Stage Classification
- DOI: 10.1142/S0129065713500123
- International Journal of Neural Systems vol. 23 num. 3 (pags 1350012-1 - 1350012-20)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Color Fuzzy Set Design for Dental Applications
- DOI: 10.1109/ISDA.2013.6920749
- International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications vol. Proceedings of ISDA 2014 num. 6920749 (pags 277 - 282)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pecho, Oscar Emilio / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan de la Cruz / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Selecting Negative Samples for Ppi Prediction Using Hierarchical Clustering Methodology
- DOI: 10.1155/2012/897289
- Journal of Applied Mathematics vol. 2012 (pags 1 - 23)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Perez-Florido, Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Using Machine Learning Techniques and Genomic/Proteomic Information from Known Databases for Defining Relevant Features for Ppi Classification
- DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2012.01.010
- Computers in Biology and Medicine vol. 42 num. 6 (pags 639 - 650)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Perez-Florido, Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Cepero, M
- A Heuristic Method for Parameter Selection in Ls-Svm: Application to Time Series Prediction
- International Journal of Forecasting vol. 27 (pags 725 - 739)
- Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- The Tase-Nf Model for Function Approximation Problems: Approaching Local and Global Modelling
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 171 (pags 1 - 21)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Method for Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions in Yeast Using Genomics/Proteomics Information and Feature Selection
- Neurocomputing vol. 74 num. 16 (pags 2683 - 2690)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortega-Lopera, Julio / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- Global and Local Modelling in Rbf Networks
- Neurocomputing vol. 74 num. 16 (pags 2594 - 2602)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- Dental Ceramics: a Ciede2000 Acceptability Thresholds for Lightness, Chroma and Hue Differences
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2011.09.007
- Journal of Dentistry vol. 39 num. S2 (pags e37 - e44)
- Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Pomares, Hector / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Paravina, Rade D.
- Using Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Approximation Fuzzy Logic for Evaluating the Performance of Color Difference Formulas in Dentistry
- DOI: 10.1109/ISDA.2011.6121663
- International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (pags 247 - 252)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Cardona-Pérez, Juan de la Cruz / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- On Color Threshold Calculations in Oral Tissues and Dental Materials
- Histology and Histopathology: Cellular and Molecular Biology vol. 26 num. 1 (pags 305 - 307)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Cara-Carmona, Ana Belén / Paravina, Rade D / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Design of Specific-to-Problem Kernels and Use of Kernel Weighted K-Nearest Neighbours for Time Series Modelling
- Neurocomputing (pags 1965 - 1975)
- Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Classification of White and Iberian Pork with Neural Networks
- Neural Computing and Applications vol. 19 (pags 465 - 470)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Pomares, Hector
- Local-Global Neuro-Fuzzy System for Color Change Modelling
- DOI: 10.3233/HIS-2010-0121
- International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems vol. 7 num. 4 (pags 299 - 311)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Santana, Janiley / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Web: Leer artículo
- New Method for Instance Or Prototype Selection Using Mutual Information in Time Series Prediction
- Neurocomputing vol. 73 num. 10-12 (pags 2030 - 2038)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Prediction of Color Change After Tooth Bleaching Using Fuzzy Logic for Vita Classical Shades Identification
- Applied Optics vol. 49 num. 3 (pags 422 - 429)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Santana-,Janiley / Cardona-Pérez, Juan de la Cruz / Guillén-,A / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Color Difference Thresholds in Dental Ceramics
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.07.008
- Journal of Dentistry vol. 38 num. S2 (pags e57 - e64)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Paravina, Rade D.
- Sistema Neuro-Difuso para el Modelado de la Evolución del Color. Modelado de un Proceso de Blanqueamiento Dental
- Proceedings Estylf (pags 447 - 452)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas, Ignacio / Santana, Janiley / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María del Mar
- Intelligent System Based on Genetic Programming for Atrial Fibrillation Classification
- Applied Artificial Intelligence vol. 23 (pags 895 - 909)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Francisco Javier / Pomares, Hector / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Efficient Optimization of the Parameters of Ls-Svm for Regression Versus Cross-Validation Error
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 5769 (pags 406 - 415)
- Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Soft-Computing Techniques and Arma Model for Time Series Prediction
- Neurocomputing (pags 519 - 537)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Márquez-García, Maria Luisa / Pasadas-Fernandez, Miguel
- Studying Possibility in a Clustering Algorithm for Rbfnn Design for Function Approximation
- Neural Computing and Applications vol. 17 num. 1 (pags 75 - 89)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Web: Leer artículo
- Hybridization of Intelligent Techniques and Arima Models for Time Series Prediction: Theme: Fuzzy Models and Approximation Methods
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 159 num. 7 (pags 821 - 845)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Márquez-García, Maria Luisa / Pasadas-Fernandez, Miguel
- Web: Leer artículo
- A First Approach to Birth Weight Prediction Using Rbfnn
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4527 (pags 253 - 260)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Web: Leer artículo
- Output Value-Based Initialization for Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
- Neural Processing Letters vol. 25 num. 3 (pags 209 - 225)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Web: Leer artículo
- Recursive Prediction for Long Term Time Series Forecasting Using Advanced Models
- Neurocomputing vol. 70 num. 16-18 (pags 2870 - 2880)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Using Fuzzy Logic to Improve a Clustering Technique for Function Approximation
- Neurocomputing vol. 70 num. 16-18 (pags 2853 - 2860)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- Multigrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Time Series Prediction: Cats Competition
- Neurocomputing vol. 70 num. 13-15 (pags 2410 - 2425)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- Web: Leer artículo
- Improving the Accuracy While Preserving the Interpretability of Fuzzy Function Approximators by Means of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 44 num. 1 (pags 32 - 44)
- González-Peñalver, Jesús / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Palomares-Muñoz, Jose Manuel / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando
- Web: Leer artículo
- Efective Input Variable Selection for Function Approximation
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4131 (pags 41 - 50)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Improving the Performance of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Function Approximation Through Parallel Islands Specialisation
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 4304 (pags 1127 - 1132)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Adaptive Fuzzy Controller: Application to the Control of the Temperature of a Dynamic Room in Real Time
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol. 157 num. 16 (pags 2241 - 2258)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Web: Leer artículo
- Input Variable Selection in Hierarchical Rbf Networks
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3512 (pags 280 - 288)
- Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- Analysis of the Tase-Ii Tsk-Type Fuzzy System for Function Approximation
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3571 (pags 613 - 624)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Rbf Centers Initialization Using Fuzzy Clustering Technique for Function Approximation Problems
- Fuzzy Economic Review vol. X num. 2 (pags 27 - 44)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2023) Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Selected Contributions from Itise 2021
- Springer Cham
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2023) Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Selected Contributions from Itise 2022 (236 pags) - Springer
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2022) The 8Th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting. Eng. Proc., 2022, Itise 2022 (434 pags) - MDPI
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2022) Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 9Th International Work-Conference, Iwbbio 2022, Proceedings, Part I (478 pags) - Springer Nature Switzerland
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M.
(2022) Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 9Th International Work-Conference, Iwbbio 2022, Proceedings, Part II (485 pags) - Springer Nature Switzerland
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M.
(2022) Iwbbio 2022 9Th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Proceedings of Abstracts (83 pags) - GODEL IMPRESIONES DIGITALES S.L.
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M.
(2021) The 7Th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting - MDPI
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector
(2021) Bioengineering and Biomedical Signal and Image Processing First International Conference, Biomesip 2021 (521 pags) - Springer Nature Switzerland
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector
(2020) Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis. Itise 2019 - Springer, Cham
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2020) Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis, Selected Contributions from Itise 2019 (452 pags) - Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2018) 6Th International Work-Conference, Iwbbio 2018, Granada, Spain, April 25-27, 2018, Proceedings Extended Abstract (250 pags) - Editorial Godel S.L
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Saez-Lara, María José / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2018) International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Proceedings (Iwbbio 2018). Extended Abstracts (250 pags) - Editorial Godel S.L
- Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2015) Cuaderno de Programación. Segunda Edición. (280 pags) - Editorial Técnica AVICAM
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2010) III Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional - IBERGARCETA PUBLICACIONES, S.L.
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2020) Instrumental Shade Matching (pags 81 - 98)
- Color and Appearance in Dentistry - ISBN: 978-3-030-42625-5
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pecho, Oscar E. / Della Bona, Alvaro
(2019) A Preliminary Approach to Composition Classification of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (pags 1 - 6) - Applied Physics, System Science and Computers III
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2016) Proprietati Optice Ale Materialelor Si Structurilor Dentare (pags 11 - 22) - Cercetarea in Medicina Dentara Proprietati Optice Ala Dintilor Si Materialelor Dentare - ISBN: 978-606-8778-15-0
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea
(2015) On the Development of a Real-Time Multi-Sensor Activity Recognition System (pags 176 - 182) - Ambient Assisted Living: Ict-Based Solutions in Real Life Situations
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Villalonga, Claudia / Lee, S.
(2013) Caracterización Óptica de Nuevos Biomateriales: Nanocomposites y Sustitutos Corneales Generados mediante Ingeniería Tisular (pags 255 - 260) - Juan Antonio Morente Chiquero: in Memoriam - ISBN: 978-84-338-5540-4
- Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Pecho, Oscar Emilio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Fernández-Oliveras, Alicia / Hita-Villaverde, Enrique Fernando
(2012) Evolutive Approaches for Variable Selection Using a Non-Parametric Noise Estimator (pags 243 - 266) - Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms - ISBN: 978-3-642-28788-6
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Sovilj, Dusan / Van Heeswijk, Mark / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Lendasse, Amaury / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
(2011) Plataforma Web Colaborativa para Generación y Evaluación de Exámenes (pags 1 - 14) - Experiencias e Innovaciones de la Docencia sobre Estrategia y Empresa - ISBN: 978-84-92757-93-0
- Medina-Medina, Nuria / NUÑEZ-NEGRILLO,SANTIAGO / López-Martínez, Álvaro / Hornos-Barranco, Miguel Juan / Abad-,M Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Parets-Llorca, Jose / Revelles-Moreno, Jorge / Ureña-Almagro, Carlos
(2010) Recursive Prediction for Long Term Time Series Forecasting (pags 125 - 144) - Forecasting Models: Methods & Applications - ISBN: 978-0-9807330-0-6
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Perez-Florido, Javier
(2010) Chapter 5: Method for Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions in Yeast Using Genomics/Proteomics Information and Feature Selection. (pags 77 - 102) - Proteomics: Methods, Applications and Limitations
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2009) Pc Architecture Learning Through the Combination of Hardware Examination and the Use of System Information Software (pags 97 - 101) - Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating Ict in Education - ISBN: 978-84-692-1788-7
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
(2009) Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (Ecg) (pags 910 - 916) - Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence - ISBN: 978-1-59904-849-9
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Guillen-,Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Francisco Javier / Cepero-Gonzalez, Mar
(2009) Multimedia for Modern Physics in Engineering Degrees (pags 1385 - 1388) - Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating Ict in Education - ISBN: 978-84-692-1788-7
- Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
(2009) Implementation of a Didactic Interpreter for Code-2 (pags 960 - 964) - Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating Ict in Education - ISBN: 978-84-692-1788-7
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
(2006) Feature Selection Using Mutual Information and Neural Networks (pags 331 - 340) - Monografias del Seminario Matematico Garcia de Galdeano - ISBN: 84-7733-871-X
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Márquez-García, Maria Luisa / Pasadas-Fernandez, Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillen-,Alberto
(2006) Advanced Didactic Computer Trainer for the Simulation and Checking of the Functional Blocks of a Personal Computer (pags 265 - 269) - Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (2006) - ISBN: 84-690-2472-8
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel
(2006) Novel Assembler to Facilitate the Understanding of How Processors Work (pags 120 - 124) - Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education (2006) - ISBN: 84-690-2472-8
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-,G.
(1967) Performing Variable Selection by Multiobjective Criterion: An Application to Mobile Payment (pags 333 - 340) - .
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J. / Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Towards the Identification of Multiclass Lung Cancer-Related Genes: An Evolutionary and Intelligent Procedure (Congreso)
- Gómez, Juan Carlos / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 17Th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks - 19/06/2023 - 21/06/2023 (Ponta Delgada, Portugal)
- Light Scattering of 3D-Printing Dental Restorative Polymer-Based Materials: Preliminary Results (Congreso)
- Espinar, Cristina / Tejada, María Natividad / Ruiz López, Javier / Carrillo, Francisco / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- III Simposio de Terapias Avanzadas y Tecnologías Biomédicas - 16/12/2022 - 16/12/2022 (INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN BIOSANITARIA DE GRANADA (ibs.GRANADA))
- Color Prediction of Monolithic and Layered Dental Resin Composites of Varying Thicknesses (Congreso)
- Tejada, María Natividad / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Ruiz López, Javier / Lübbe, Henning / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- V International Conference on Application of Optics and Photonics (Aop 2022) - 18/07/2022 - 22/07/2022 (GUIMARÃES, PORTUGAL)
- Covid-19 Severity Classification Using a Hierarchical Classification Deep Learning Model (Congreso)
- Ortiz, Sergio / Morales, Juan Carlos / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 9Th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (Iwbbio) - 27/06/2022 - 30/06/2022 (Maspalomas, SPAIN)
- Gene Expression Tools from a Technical Perspective: Current Approaches and Alternative Solutions for the Knowseq Suite (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Redondo-sanchez, Daniel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- 9Th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (Iwbbio) - 27/06/2022 - 30/06/2022 (Maspalomas, SPAIN)
- Color Prediction of Layered Dental Resin Composites (Congreso)
- Tejada, María Natividad / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Ruiz López, Javier / Lübbe, Henning / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 10Th Edition of the International Symposium Napoca Biodent. New Challenges in Dental Research - 05/11/2021 - 06/11/2021 (CLUJ-NAPOCA, RUMANÍA)
- Enhancing Breast Cancer Classification Via Information and Multi-Model Integration (Poster en Congreso)
- Morales, Juan Carlos / Carrillo-perez, Francisco / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 2020 - 30/09/2020 - 02/10/2020 (Granada)
- Optical Properties of Dental Biomaterials and Bio-Engineered Tissues (Congreso)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Pecho, Oscar / Rodríguez-águila, Ana Belén / Ruiz López, Javier / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- International Seminar on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (Bioremed 2019) - 26/09/2019 - 28/09/2019 (CRAIOVA, RUMANÍA)
- Improving Wearable Activity Recognition Via Fusion of Multiple Equally-Sized Data Subwindows (Congreso)
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Villalonga, Claudia
- 15Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Iwann 2019) - 12/06/2019 - 14/06/2019 (Gran Canarias, Islas Canarias (Spain))
- Improving Classification of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Using Spacial Locality by Means of a Convolutional Dnns (Comunicación en congreso)
- Carrillo-perez, Francisco / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Carceller, Juan Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- 15Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Iwann 2019) - 12/06/2019 - 14/06/2019 (Gran Canarias, Islas Canarias (Spain))
- Feature Selection and Assessment of Lung Cancer Sub-Types by Applying Predictive Models (Congreso)
- González, Sara / Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 2019 - 12/06/2019 - 14/06/2019 (GRAN CANARIA (MASPALOMAS))
- Automatic Mapping of Motivational Text Messages into Ontological Entities for Smart Coaching Applications (Congreso)
- Villalonga, Claudia / Op Den Akker, Harm / Hermens, Hermie / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Baños-Legrán, Oresti
- Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: 11Th International Conference - 07/11/2017 - 10/11/2017 (PHILADELPHIA)
- Combination of Eeg Data Time and Frequency Representations in Deep Networks for Sleep Stage Classification (Congreso)
- Manzano, Marti / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 13Th International Conference on Intelligent Computing - 07/08/2017 - 10/08/2017 (: Liverpool (Reino Unido))
- Deep Learning Using Eeg Data in Time and Frequency Domains for Sleep Stage Classification (Comunicación en congreso)
- Manzano, Marti / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 14Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (Iwann) - 14/06/2017 - 16/06/2017 (Cadiz)
- Breast Cancer Microarray and Rnaseq Data Integration Applied to Classification (Congreso)
- Castillo-Secilla, Daniel / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 14/06/2017 - 16/06/2017 (Cádiz)
- Ontological Modeling of Motivational Messages for Physical Activity Coaching (Congreso)
- Villalonga, Claudia / Op Den Akker, Harm / Hermens, Hermie / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Baños-Legrán, Oresti
- 11Th Eai International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - 23/05/2017 - 26/05/2017 (Barcelona)
- A Model for Prediction of Color Change After Tooth Bleaching Based on Cielab Color Space (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Santana, Janiley / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- Third International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics - 08/05/2017 - 12/05/2017 (Portugal)
- Researching in Biomaterials Optics (Comunicación en congreso)
- Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Yebra-Rodríguez, Ana María / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Pecho, Óscar E. / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut
- Third International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics - 08/05/2017 - 12/05/2017 (Portugal)
- On the Development of a Real-Time Multi-Sensor Activity Recognition System (Congreso)
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Villalonga, Claudia / Lee, Sungyoung
- 7Th International Work-Conference Ambient Assisted Living - 01/12/2015 - 04/12/2015 (Puerto Varas, : PUERTO VARAS ¿ CHILE)
- Multiwindow Fusion for Wearable Activity Recognition (Congreso)
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Villalonga, Claudia / Seon Hong, Choong / Lee, Sungyoung
- 13Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2015 - 10/06/2015 - 12/06/2015 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
- Modeling the Eur/Usd Index Using Ls-Svm and Performing Variable Selection (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Martinez, Ruben / Garcia, Carlos / Pomares, Hector / Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 13Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2015 - 10/06/2015 - 12/06/2015 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
- The Using of Advanced Computing Techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Combining Pet and Mri Information. Application to Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases (Comunicación en congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Torres, Carolina / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 2015 - 15/04/2015 - 17/04/2015 (Granada (SPAIN))
- Color Measurements and Shade Matching with a Mobile Device (Congreso)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Pecho, Oscar / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / De La Cruz, Juan / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 6Th Annual Conference of the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry - 02/10/2014 - 04/10/2014 (Chicago, Estados Unidos de América)
- Modeling the Number of Pageviews in a Social Network for Hardware Resource Optimisation: Regressor Analysis (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Liebana-Cabanillas, Francisco J. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Tschudy, Nicholas / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Work-Conference on Time Series - 25/06/2014 - 27/06/2014 (Granada)
- Stacked Sequential Learning and Time Series Prediction Approaches for Sleep Stage Classification from Polysomnography Data (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Fernandes, C
- International Work-Conference on Time Series - 25/06/2014 - 27/06/2014 (GRANADA (SPAIN))
- Advances in Bioinformatics Using Soft-Computing Paradigms (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Saez-Lara, María José / San Román-Arenas, Belén / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 2Nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - 07/04/2014 - 09/04/2014 (Granada, Spain)
- Evaluating the Effects of Signal Segmentation on Activity Recognition (Congreso)
- Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Gálvez, Juan Manuel / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - 07/04/2014 - 09/04/2014 (GRANADA, SPAIN)
- Data Recycling of Historical Records and Integration in New Information Systems in Cardiology Ervice (Congreso)
- Penafiel, R. / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 2Nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - 07/04/2014 - 09/04/2014 (Granada, España)
- Comparison of Different Computational Intelligent Classifier to Autonomously Detect Cardiac Pathologies Diagnosed by Ecg (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 2013 13Th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - 08/12/2013 - 10/12/2013 (Bangi, MALAYSIA)
- Three Dimensional Subjective Suvdivision of the Dental Chromatic Space According to Vita Classical Shades (Congreso)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pecho, Oscar / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- 5Th Annual Conference of the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry - 03/10/2013 - 05/10/2013 (DENVER)
- Colorimetric Evaluation of Custom Shade Guide for New Dental Composite Systems (Congreso)
- Pecho, O.e. / Navarro Do Amaral, E / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez, María Del Mar
- Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry Annual Meeting 2013 - 03/10/2013 - 05/10/2013 (DENVER)
- Intelligent Systems to Autonomously Classify Several Arrhythmia Using Information from Ecg (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Baños-Legrán, Oresti / Ruiz, Gonzalo / Tribak, Hind / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 2013 Ase International Conference on Biomedical Computing - 08/09/2013 - 14/09/2013 (Washington, USA)
- Classification of Mri Images for Alzheimer'S Disease Detection (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Baños-Legrán, Oresti
- 2013 Ase International Conference on Biomedical Computing - 08/09/2013 - 14/09/2013 (Washington, USA)
- Parametric and Non-Parametric Feature Selection for Kidney Transplants (Comunicación en congreso)
- García Del Moral-Garrido, Raimundo Miguel / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Cañas-Vargas, Antonio / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 12Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2013 - 12/06/2013 - 14/06/2013 (Puerto de la Cruz, SPAIN)
- Sleep Stage Classification Using Advanced Intelligent Methods (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 12Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann 2013 - 12/06/2013 - 14/06/2013 (Puerto de la Cruz, SPAIN)
- Using Intelligent System for Medical Decision-Making to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares, Hector / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- An Automatic and Intelligent System for Integrated Healthcare Processes Management - 18/03/2013 - 20/03/2013 (Granada)
- Using Intelligent System for Medical Decision-Making to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Ortuño, Francisco M. / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares, Hector / Bernier-Villamor, Jose Luis / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- First International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering - 18/03/2013 - 20/03/2013 (Granada, España)
- Cluster de Gpus con Matlab (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / García-Arenas, Maria Isabel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Maeb 2012 - 01/01/2012 - 29/01/2025 (ALBACETE)
- Selección de Variables Utilizando un Cluster de Gpus y Test Delta (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / García-Arenas, Maria Isabel / Van Heeswijk, M. / Sovilj, D. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector
- Maeb 2012 - 01/01/2012 - 29/01/2025
- Competición de Series Temporales: Tamida2010- Sico 2010 (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Troncoso-Lora, Alicia
- XIV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial - 07/11/2011 - 10/11/2011 (San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife, España)
- Using Machine Learning Techniques and Techniques and Genomic/Proteomic Information for Protein-Protein Classification (Congreso)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Perez-Florido, Javier
- Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society Annual Meeting 2011 - 07/06/2011 - 29/01/2025 (GRANADA - SPAIN)
- Variable Selection in a Gpu Cluster Using Delta Test (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / García-Arenas, Maria Isabel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 11Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 01/01/2011 - 10/06/2010 (Torremolinos - Málaga, Spain)
- Using Machine Learning Techniques and Genomic/Proteomic Information from Known Databases for Ppi Prediction (Congreso)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Perez-Florido, Javier / Ortuño, Francisco M.
- Pacbb 2011 : Internacional Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (5) (5.2011.Salamanca) - 01/01/2011 - 29/01/2025 (SALAMANCA)
- Development of a Linear Model to Predict Polymerization-Dependent Color Changes (Congreso)
- Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Ugarte-alvan, Laura / Ionescu-, Ana-Maria-Andreea / Cardona-Pérez, Juan De La Cruz / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry Anual Meeting 2010 - 24/09/2010 - 25/09/2010 (NEWPORT BEACH - USA)
- Using Cielab Or Ciede2000 Color-Difference Formulas in Dental Research? (Congreso)
- Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Ghinea-, Razvan Ionut / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Garcia-salas, Alejandro / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Paravina, Rade D
- Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry Annual Meeting 2010 - 24/09/2010 - 25/09/2010 (NEWPORT BEACH - USA)
- Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Two-Level Minimization of Boolean Functions (Congreso)
- Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Perez-Florido, Javier / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / García-garcía, Cornelio / García-garcía, Cornelio
- Congreso Español de Informática 2010 / Simposio Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2010 - 07/09/2010 - 10/09/2010 (VALENCIA, SPAIN)
- Addressing Rbfnns for Time Series Prediction: Inputs and Network Model Selection (Comunicación en congreso)
- Perez-Florido, Javier / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- Congreso Español de Informática 2010 / Simposio Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2010 - 07/09/2010 - 10/09/2010 (VALENCIA, SPAIN)
- Competición de Series Temporales: Sico 2007 (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Congreso Español de Informática 2010 / Simposio Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2010 - 07/09/2010 - 10/09/2010 (VALENCIA, SPAIN)
- Predicting Marital Dissolutions Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Tovar, C. / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Guillén, J. F. / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Wcci 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence () (.2010.Barcelona, Spain) - 18/07/2010 - 23/07/2010 (BARCELONA, SPAIN)
- Effect of Pre-Processing Methods on Microarray-Based Svm Classifiers in Affymetrix Genechips (Comunicación en congreso)
- Perez-Florido, Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Claros Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo
- Wcci 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence () (.2010.Barcelona, Spain) - 18/07/2010 - 23/07/2010 (BARCELONA, SPAIN)
- Applying Support Vector Machines and Mutual Information to Book Losses Prediction (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Merelo-Guervós, Juan Julián
- Wcci 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence () (.2010.Barcelona, Spain) - 18/07/2010 - 23/07/2010 (BARCELONA, SPAIN)
- Identifying Fuzzy Inference Models by Means of Possibilistic Clustering: Socio-Economic Applications (Congreso)
- Guillén-,Alberto / Montesino-Pouzols, Federico / Barriga-Barros, Angel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-,Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Modelling and Learning in Social and Human Sciences (Mashs) () (.2010.Lille (Francia)) - 01/01/2010 - 29/01/2025 (LILLE (FRANCIA))
- Sistema Neuro-Difuso para el Modelado de la Evolución del Color. Modelado de un Proceso de Blanqueamiento Dental (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Santana-,Janiley / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar
- Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías Lógica Difusa (15) (15.2010.Punta Umbría. Huelva) - 01/01/2010 - 29/01/2025 (PUNTA UMBRÍA. HUELVA)
- Towards An Automatic Sleep Classification Procedure Using Wavelet Based Feature Extraction (Congreso)
- Mora-García, Antonio Miguel / Merelo-Guervós, Juan Julián / Fernandes-, Carlos Miguel / Castillo-Valdivieso, Pedro A. / Rosa-, Agostinho / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 2010 International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing () (.2010.Tunes) - 01/01/2010 - 29/01/2025 (TUNES)
- Using Cielab Or Ciede2000 Color-Difference Formulas in Dental Research? (Congreso)
- Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rivas-Bravo, María José / Paravina-,Rade D.
- Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry Meeting () (.2010.Newport Beach Ca, Usa) - 01/01/2010 - 29/01/2025 (NEWPORT BEACH CA, USA)
- Risk Factor Identification and Classification of Macrosomic Newborns by Neural Networks (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- 9Th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Isda'09 - 30/11/2009 - 02/12/2009 (Pisa, Italia)
- A Data Mining Approach Based on a Local-Global Fuzzy Modelling for Prediction of Color Change After Tooth Bleaching Using Vita Classical Shades (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Santana, Janiley / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 9Th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Isda'09 - 30/11/2009 - 02/12/2009 (Pisa, Italia)
- Didactic Improvements in Computer Technology (Comunicación en congreso)
- Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Perez-Florido, Javier / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Cara-Carmona, Ana Belén
- I Jornadas Andaluzas de Informática, Jai'2009 - 25/09/2009 - 27/09/2009 (CANILLAS DE ACEITUNO, MÁLAGA, ESPAÑA)
- Strengthening the Forward Variable Selection Stopping Criterion (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Pomares, Hector / Paechter, Ben / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 14/09/2009 - 17/09/2009 (Limassol Cyprus)
- Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions in Yeast Using Svms with Genomics/Proteomics Information and Feature Selection (Congreso)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Perez-Florido, Javier
- 24Th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences - 14/09/2009 - 16/09/2009 (Cyprus)
- Global and Local Modelling in Radial Basis Functions Networks (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- 10Th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, Iwann'2009 - 10/06/2009 - 12/06/2009 (Salamanca, España)
- Method for Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions in Yeast Using Genomics/Proteomics Information and Feature Selection (Comunicación en congreso)
- Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Perez-Florido, Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Calvo-Tudela, José Carlos / Ortega-Lopera, Julio
- 10Th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, Iwann'2009 - 10/06/2009 - 12/06/2009 (Salamanca, España)
- Prediction of Color Change After Tooth Bleaching Using Color Cielab Parameters and Linear Models (Congreso)
- Santana, Janiley / López-garcía, José / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa
- Conseuro 2009 - 12/03/2009 - 14/03/2009
- Time Series Prediction Using Mutual Information and Rbfnns (Congreso)
- Perez-Florido, Javier / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- International Workshop on Mining of Non-Conventional Data () (.2009.Sevilla (Spain)) - 01/01/2009 - 29/01/2025 (SEVILLA (SPAIN))
- Time Series Prediction Using Mutual Information and Rbfnns (Comunicación en congreso)
- Perez-Florido, Javier / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- International Workshop on Mining of Non-Conventional Data () (.2009.Sevilla (Spain)) - 01/01/2009 - 29/01/2025 (SEVILLA (SPAIN))
- Mpi Interface for Matlab Applied to Teaching Parallel Programming (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Romero-García, Samuel Francisco / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Iadat 2009 5Th International Conference on Education (5) (5.2009.Bilbao (España)) - 01/01/2009 - 29/01/2025
- Applying Mutual Information for Prototype Or Instance Selection in Regression Problems (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Pomares, Hector / Lendasse-, Amaury / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Esann'2009 European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning () (.2009.Bruges (Bélgica)) - 01/01/2009 - 29/01/2025 (BRUGES (BÉLGICA))
- Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Activo de la Arquitectura de un Computador Personal (Congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- V Congreso Iberoamericano de Docencia Universitaria, Cidu'2008 - 29/10/2008 - 31/10/2008 (UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA)
- A New Interface for Mpi in Matlab and Its Application over a Genetic Algorithm (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- Second European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, Estsp'2008 - 17/09/2008 - 19/09/2008 (PORVOO, FINLAND)
- Use of Specific-to-Problem Kernel Functions for Time Series Modeling (Comunicación en congreso)
- Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Second European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, Estsp'2008 - 17/09/2008 - 19/09/2008 (PORVOO, FINLAND)
- Instance Or Prototype Selection for Function Approximation Using Mutual Information (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Lendasse-, Amaury / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Second European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, Estsp'2008 - 17/09/2008 - 19/09/2008 (PORVOO, FINLAND)
- Platform-Independent Didactic Environment for Digital Systems Design (Comunicación en congreso)
- Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Damas-Hermoso, Miguel / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Cara-Carmona, Ana Belén / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- Iask International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Tl'2008 - 26/05/2008 - 28/05/2008 (AVEIRO, PORTUGAL)
- Interfaz para Matlab y Bibliotecas de Paso de Mensajes: Mpimex (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- II Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional, Sico'2007 - 11/09/2007 - 12/09/2007 (Zaragoza, España)
- On Incorporating Seasonal Information on Recursive Time Series Predictors (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés
- Download Book Pdf International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 2007 - 09/09/2007 - 13/09/2007 (PORTO PORTUGAL)
- A New Multiobjective Rbfnns Designer and Feature Selector for a Mineral Reduction Application (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Fernández, Francisco
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzz-Ieee'2007 - 23/07/2007 - 26/07/2007 (LONDRES (UK))
- A First Approach to Birth Weight Prediction Using Rbfnns (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, Iwinac'2007 - 18/06/2007 - 21/06/2007 (La Manga del Mar Menor, España)
- Boosting the Performance of a Multiobjective Algorithm to Design Rbfnns Through Parallelization (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Paechter, Ben
- International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Icannga'07 - 11/04/2007 - 14/04/2007 (VARSOVIA, POLONIA)
- Parallel Multi-Objective Memetic Rbfnns Design and Feature Selection for Function Approximation Problems (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- 9Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - Iwann'2007 (9) (9.2007.San Sebastian (España)) - 01/01/2007 - 29/01/2025 (SAN SEBASTIAN (ESPAÑA))
- Kernel Methods Applied to Time Series Forecasting (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- 9Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - Iwann'2007 (9) (9.2007.San Sebastian (España)) - 01/01/2007 - 29/01/2025 (SAN SEBASTIAN (ESPAÑA))
- Improving the Performance of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Function Approximation Through Parallel Islands Specialisation (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Paechter, Ben
- Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aus-Ai'2006 - 04/12/2006 - 08/12/2006 (HOBART, AUSTRALIA)
- A Fuzzy-Possibilistic Fuzzy Ruled Clustering Algorithm for Rbfnns Design (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Rsctc'2006 - 06/11/2006 - 08/11/2006 (KOBE, JAPAN)
- Multiobjective Rbfnns Designer for Function Approximation: An Application for Mineral Reduction (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Fernández, Francisco
- International Conference on Natural Computation, Icnc'2006 - 24/09/2006 - 28/09/2006 (XI'AN, CHINA)
- Supervised Rbfnn Centers and Radii Initialization for Function Approximation Problems (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Ijcnn'2006 - 16/07/2006 - 21/07/2006 (VANCOUVER, CANADA)
- Soft-Computing Techniques for the Development of Adaptive Helicopter Flight Controller (Congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando
- 9Th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Amc'2006 - 27/03/2006 - 29/03/2006 (ISTAMBUL (TURKEY))
- Self-Adaptive Robot Control Using Fuzzy Logic (Comunicación en congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- 9Th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Amc'2006 - 27/03/2006 - 29/03/2006 (ISTAMBUL (TURKEY))
- Self-Adaptive Robot Control Using Fuzzy Logic (Comunicación en congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-,Olga
- 9Th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Amc'2006 - 27/03/2006 - 29/03/2006 (ISTAMBUL (TURKEY))
- Gaussian Process Regression Applied to Time Series Prediction:A Particular Case Study in Estsp 2007 Time Series (Congreso)
- Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector
- European Symposium on Time Series Prediction (1) (1.2006.Espoo-Helsinki. Finland) - 01/01/2006 - 29/01/2025 (ESPOO-HELSINKI. FINLAND)
- Removing Seasonality on Time Series, a Practical Case (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rubio-Flores, Ginés / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- European Symposium on Time Series Prediction (1) (1.2006.Espoo-Helsinki. Finland) - 01/01/2006 - 29/01/2025 (ESPOO-HELSINKI. FINLAND)
- Incorporating Seasonal Information on Direct and Recursive Predictors Using Ls-Svm (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rubio-Flores, Ginés
- European Symposium on Time Series Prediction (1) (1.2006.Espoo-Helsinki. Finland) - 01/01/2006 - 29/01/2025 (ESPOO-HELSINKI. FINLAND)
- Supervised Rbfnn Centers and Radii Initialization for Function Approximation Problem (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks () (.2006.Vancouver, Canada) - 01/01/2006 - 29/01/2025 (VANCOUVER, CANADA)
- Interpretable Rule Extraction and Function Approximation from Numerical Input/Output Data Using the Modified Fuzzy Tsk Model, Tase Model (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Awad, Mohammed / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing, Rsfdgrc'2005 - 31/08/2005 - 03/09/2005 (REGINA, CANADA)
- A Possibilistic Approach to Rbfn Centers Initialization (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing, Rsfdgrc'2005 - 31/08/2005 - 03/09/2005 (REGINA, CANADA)
- New Technique for Initialization of Centres in Tsk Clustering-Based Fuzzy Systems (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Ecsqaru'2005 - 06/07/2005 - 08/07/2005
- Approximating I/O Data Using Radial Basis Functions: a New Clustering-Based Approach (Congreso)
- Awad, Mohammed / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando
- 8Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 08/06/2005 - 10/06/2005 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Clustering-Based Tsk Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Function Approximation with Interpretable Sub-Models (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Awad, Mohammed
- 8Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 08/06/2005 - 10/06/2005 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Tase Model for Long Term Time Series Forecasting (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- 8Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 08/06/2005 - 10/06/2005 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Long Term Prediction of Product Quality in a Glass Manufacturing Process Using a Kernel Based Approach (Comunicación en congreso)
- Jung, Tobias / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Schoelkopf, Bernhard
- 8Th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 08/06/2005 - 10/06/2005 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Time Series Approximation Using Linear and Non-Linear Method (Congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Mamern-2005 () (.2005.Morocco) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025 (MOROCCO)
- Classification of Prostate Cancer Using Non-Linear Paradigms and Mutual Information (Comunicación en congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector
- Mamern-2005 () (.2005.Morocco) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025 (MOROCCO)
- Lógica Difusa para el Análisis de Series Temporales: Estudio de la Estacionalidad (Comunicación en congreso)
- Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Valenzuela-,Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Congreso Español de Informatica. I Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (1.2005.Granada, España) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025
- Time Series Prediction Using Rbfn: a New Clustering Approach (Comunicación en congreso)
- Awad, Mohammed / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- Congreso Español de Informatica. I Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (1.2005.Granada, España) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025
- Revising Clustering Technique for Functional Approximation Problem Using Fuzzy Logic (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Congreso Español de Informatica. I Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (1.2005.Granada, España) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025
- Una Red Neuronal de Funciones de Base Radial Basada en Operadores T-Conorma para la Aproximación de Funciones (Comunicación en congreso)
- Filali Bouami-, Mouncef / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Congreso Español de Informatica. I Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional (1.2005.Granada, España) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025
- Improving Clustering Technique for Functional Approximation Problem Using Fuzzy Logic: Icfa Algorithm (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Iwann 2005: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (8.2005.Barcelona, España) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025 (. BARCELONA, ESPAÑA)
- Multiobjective Evolutionary Design of Fuzzy Systems (Congreso)
- González-Peñalver, Jesús / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Guillén-Perales, Alberto
- Workshop on Genetic Fuzzy Systems (1.2005.Granada, Spain) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025 (GRANADA, SPAIN)
- Using Fuzzy Clustering Technique for Function Approximation to Approximate Ecg Signals (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Ros-Vidal, Eduardo / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- First International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, Iwinac 2005 (1) (1.2005.Las Palmas) - 01/01/2005 - 29/01/2025 (LAS PALMAS)
- Multigrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Time Series Forecasting: Cats Benchmark Ijcnn Competition (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Awad, Mohammed
- International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Ijcnn'2004 - 07/07/2004 - 09/07/2004 (BUDAPEST)
- Fine Control of Monotonic System Using a Global Self-Learning Adaptive Fuzzy Controller (Congreso)
- Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzz-Ieee'2004 - 07/07/2004 - 09/07/2004 (BUDAPEST)
- The Synergy between Classical and Soft-Computing Techniques for Time Series Prediction (Congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, Mexico, April 26-30, 2004, Proceedings - 26/04/2004 - 30/04/2004 (Mexico D.F.)
- Multigrid-Based Fuzzy Systems for Function Approximation (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, Mexico, April 26-30, 2004, Proceedings - 26/04/2004 - 30/04/2004 (Mexico D.F.)
- Function Approximation Through Fuzzy Systems Using Taylor Series Expansion-Based Rules: Interpretability and Parameter Tuning (Comunicación en congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga
- Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, Mexico, April 26-30, 2004, Proceedings - 26/04/2004 - 30/04/2004 (Mexico D.F.)
- Análisis Estadístico del Uso de Reglas Takagi-Sugeno-Kang de Orden Alto en el Diseño del Proceso de Inferencia Estadística (Congreso)
- Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Guillén-Perales, Alberto / González-Peñalver, Jesús
- Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (12.2004.Jaén) - 01/01/2004 - 29/01/2025 (JAÉN)
- Inicialización de Centros de Rbfs Utilizando Clustering para Problemas de Aproximación Funcional (Comunicación en congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Pomares, Hector / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (12.2004.Jaén) - 01/01/2004 - 29/01/2025 (JAÉN)
- Using a New Clustering Algorithm to Design Rbf Networks for Functional Approximation Problems (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- Learning International Conference, Learning'04 - 01/01/2004 - 29/01/2025 (ELCHE- ALICANTE (ESPAÑA))
- Clustering Based Algorithm for Rbf Centers Initialization (Congreso)
- Guillén-Perales, Alberto / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Sigef'04 Congress (11) (11.2004.Reggio-Calabria-Messina (Italia)) - 01/01/2004 - 29/01/2025 (REGGIO-CALABRIA-MESSINA (ITALIA))
- Tele-Surveillance System for the Detection of Movement Using Internet (Comunicación en congreso)
- Luque, F. / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Ros-Vidal, Eduardo / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Prieto-Espinosa, Alberto
- International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (2.2003.Badajoz, España) - 01/01/2003 - 29/01/2025 (BADAJOZ, ESPAÑA)
- Advanced Water Suply of a City (Comunicación en congreso)
- Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / González-Peñalver, Jesús / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier / Valenzuela-Cansino, Olga / Rojas-Ruiz, Fernando
- Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. Conferencia (10.2003.San Sebastián) - 01/01/2003 - 29/01/2025 (SAN SEBASTIÁN)
Doctoral Theses
- Integration of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Sources in Human Cancer Pathologies, Employing High Performance Computing and Machine Learning Techniques
- Doctoral Student: Castillo-Secilla, Daniel
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisors: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Universidad de Granada. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicación
- Desarrollo de Nuevos Índices de Blancura: Aplicaciones en Biomateriales Dentales
- Doctoral Student: Rivas-Bravo, María José
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisors: Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias
- Nuevos Métodos de Predicción de Interacción de Proteína-Proteína Utilizando Sistemas Inteligentes en Bases de Datos de Proteómica
- Doctoral Student: Urquiza-Ortiz, José Miguel
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisors: Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio / Pomares, Hector / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Blanqueamiento Dental: Estudio Clínico para el Desarrollo de Métodos Estadísticos e Inteligentes para la Predicción del Cambio Cromático
- Doctoral Student: Santana-Diaz, Janiley
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisors: Pérez-Gómez, María Del Mar / Pulgar-Encinas, Rosa / Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Sistemas Inteligentes Adaptativos para Aproximación y Predicción Utilizando Arquitecturas Avanzadas
- Doctoral Student: Herrera-Maldonado, Luis Javier
- Doctoral Thesis Supervisors: Pomares-Cintas, Hector / Rojas-Ruiz, Ignacio
- Integration of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Sources in Human Cancer Pathologies, Employing High Performance Computing and Machine Learning Techniques
- Integration of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Sources in Human Cancer Pathologies, Employing High Performance Computing and Machine Learning Techniques